The Health Effects of Cannabis – Informed Opinions

Go to any bar or public area and solicit opinions about cannabis. There will be different opinions for every person who is canvassed. Some opinions will come by reliable sources, while others will be based on nothing at all. It is true that conducting the research and conclusions based on the findings are difficult due to the lengthy history of prohibition. There is however an overwhelming consensus that cannabis is beneficial and ought to be legalized. A number of States within America as well as Australia have chosen to legalize cannabis. Others are taking the same path or are considering alternatives. What is the situation right now? Does it make sense or not? hampa

The National Academy of Sciences published the 487-page report last year (NAP Report) about the situation of evidence on the subject. Numerous government grants supported the committee\’s work and comprised an impressive selection of sixteen professors. They were aided with 15 reviewers from academic institutions as well as about 700 of the relevant books were examined. This report is regarded as the most up-to-date regarding medical and recreational usage. The report heavily draws from this source.laglig cannabis

The term\”cannabis\” is used loosely to describe marijuana and cannabis, with the former being from a different portion in the cannabis plant. There are more than 100 chemical compounds can be present in cannabis, all could have different benefits or risks.hampablommor

CLINICAL Indications

One with a condition of being \”stoned\” when smoking cannabis may feel euphoric, that makes time irrelevant. colours and music become more important and the individual may acquire the \”nibblies\” which can lead to the desire to consume sweet and fatty food. This can be a result of diminished motor skills and impaired perception. When blood sugar levels are high attained, paranoid thoughts as well as hallucinations and panic attacks could be the hallmarks of his \”trip\”.


In the common language cannabis is usually referred to by the term \”good sh*t\” as well as \”bad shit\” and refers to general practices of contamination. The contamination could come from soil good quality (eg pesticides and the heavy metals) or are added in the course of. Sometimes, lead particles or tiny glass beads add weight to the sold.


A random selection of therapeutic effects are presented here in the context of their scientific evidence. Certain effects may be proven to be beneficial, however, others pose a risk. Certain effects are not distinguished from placebos in the study.

  • Cannabis as a treatment for epilepsy isn\’t conclusive due to the lack of the lack of evidence.
  • Vomiting and nausea due to chemotherapy may be alleviated by taking orally ingesting cannabis.
  • A decrease in the intensity of pain for patients suffering from chronic pain is a probable result of using cannabis.
  • In the case of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients was reported to improve symptoms.
  • An increase in appetite as well as a reduction in weight loss among HIV/ADS patients have been demonstrated with limited evidence.
  • There is limited evidence that cannabis is not effective in treatment of glaucoma.
  • Based on the little evidence, cannabis may be beneficial in the treatment of Tourette syndrome.
  • Post-traumatic disorder was helped by cannabis in just one published study.
  • A lack of statistical evidence indicates more favorable outcomes after the brain trauma that is traumatic.
  • There is not enough evidence to conclude that cannabis could help treat Parkinson\’s disease.
  • The lack of evidence has shattered hopes that cannabis could improve the symptoms of those suffering from dementia.
  • A limited amount of statistical evidence has been established to support a connection of smoking cannabis with heart attacks.
  • Based on the only a few studies, cannabis is not effective for treating depression.
  • The evidence of a reduced risk of metabolic problems (diabetes etc.)) is not conclusive and statistically based.
  • Social anxiety disorders may be alleviated by cannabis however the evidence is not conclusive. Cannabis and asthma usage isn\’t well-supported by the evidence for or against.
  • Post-traumatic disorders have been treated with cannabis in one published study.
  • The idea that cannabis could aid those suffering from schizophrenia cannot be proven or disproved due to the limited nature of evidence.
  • There is evidence that suggests more favorable short-term outcomes in sleep are seen for people who have trouble sleeping.
  • Smoking cannabis during pregnancy is linked to a decrease in the baby\’s weight at birth.
  • The evidence supporting stroke caused by cannabis is not conclusive and is only statistical.
  • The gateway and addiction to cannabis issues are very complex considering a myriad of factors beyond the subject the scope of this report. These issues are thoroughly addressed inside NAP report. NAP report.


The NAP report includes the following conclusions regarding the subject of cancer:

  • Evidence suggests that smoking cannabis doesn\’t increase the risk of certain types of cancer (i.e. head and neck cancers, lung) in adults.
  • There is a small amount of evidence to suggest that cannabis use may be associated with a particular type of testicular cancer.
  • There is no evidence to suggest that cannabis use by parents during pregnancy is linked to increased risk of developing cancer in their the offspring.


The NAP report includes the following conclusions concerning respiratory illnesses:

  • The habit of smoking cannabis on a regular basis can trigger chronic cough and the production of phlegm.
  • Stopping smoking cannabis is likely to decrease the frequency of coughing and phlegm production.
  • It is not clear if cannabis use is related to chronic obstructive lung disorder asthma or worsened lung function.


The NAP report focuses on the following results regarding the immune system in humans:

  • There is a dearth of research about the effects of cannabinoid or cannabis-based treatments for the body\’s immune system.
  • There aren\’t enough data to draw general conclusions about the effects of smoking cannabis or cannabinoids in affecting immune function.
  • There is no evidence to suggest that routine exposure to smoke from cannabis could provide anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • There is not enough evidence to either support or debunk an association in the form of statistical evidence between the use of cannabis or cannabinoid and negative effects on the immune system of people who suffer from HIV.


The NAP report focuses on the following findings regarding the subject of the higher chance of injury or death:

  • The use of cannabis before driving can increase the chance of becoming involved in a car accident.
  • In states where the use of cannabis is permitted, there is an increased risk of accidental overdose-related injuries to children.
  • It\’s not clear if and what degree cannabis use is connected with the mortality rate from all causes or occupational injuries.


The NAP report includes the following conclusions regarding the subject of mental health and cognitive performance:

  • The effects of recent cannabis use can affect performance in the cognitive domains of memory, learning and attention. The term \”recent use\” can be defined as using cannabis within 24 hours of evaluating.
  • A few studies indicate that there are problems with cognitive domains like memory, learning and attention among people who quit smoking cannabis.
  • The use of cannabis during adolescence is associated with impairments in later educational achievement earnings and employment as well as social relations and social roles.
  • Cannabis usage is known to increase the likelihood of developing schizophrenia as well as other psychoses. The greater the usage, the higher the chance.
  • In people suffering from schizophrenia or other psychoses, a history cannabis use could be related to improved performance on memory and learning tasks.
  • Cannabis usage doesn\’t appear to increase the risk of developing anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • For those who suffer from bipolar disorders, frequent marijuana use could be linked to more severe manifestations of bipolar disorder compared to non-users.
  • Cannabis users who are heavy customers are more likely experience suicide thoughts than non-users.
  • Regular use of cannabis could increase the risk of the development of social anxiety disorder.

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